Home Lifestyle Relationships Some Romantic Flowers other than Rose to gift to your Loved Ones

Some Romantic Flowers other than Rose to gift to your Loved Ones

Some Romantic Flowers other than Rose to gift to your Loved Ones

Be it a birthday, anniversary, rose day or anything else, Flowers are one of the best things to give to your loved ones. Flowers spread fragrance, colors, and happiness in the life of your loved ones. The only flower which strikes our mind while giving it to someone special is rose. This flower is used to express love to the people. Red for expressing love, yellow for friendship, white for peace, etc. Undoubtedly, roses are very appealing to get down on knees and expressing your love. But there are few people who are allergic to roses. Maybe your partner is one of those. So why not try giving some other flowers instead of roses. We bring you a list of some beautiful flowers other than roses which can best express your feelings to your loved ones.



This is one of the most beautiful flowers that you can gift this time instead of rose. These flowers will speak your fantasies to the person. These flowers don’t have much pollen count and thus, are considered to be best for the individuals who are sensitive. Your partner will surely love you more after getting these flowers.



The biggest advantage of gifting these flowers to your loved one is that it will not create any kind of sniffles or irritation to your partner. You can present a bunch of magentas, bright red or pink color to your loved one. These flowers will make it easier for you to express your love and feeling for your partner. So, find a nearby florist shop and take a bouquet and present it to your lovely lady or handsome hunk. 😉



Asiatic and Tiger lilies are altered by removing the pollen from them to make them allergy-free. Lilies are known for spreading love and romance in the air. The colors in which lilies are available are orange, pink, red and mix. If you will give the bouquet of lilies to your loved ones, then his/her face will surely glow with happiness and you will get a tight hug. 😉 <3



Carnations are available in white, purple, light purple, pink and many more beautiful colors. These are very beautiful flowers having a fragrance that can easily make the environment romantic and loving. Before buying please make sure that the quality you have purchased is allergy free. Gift these playful and beautiful flowers to your loved ones.



Sunflowers represent the sun, and some words to describe these flowers are everlasting, pure and warmth. We can assure you that you will surely get a ‘YES’ from your partner after gifting them sunflowers. Some of the allergy free varieties of sunflower are Apricot Twist, Infrared Mix, Joker, etc. These flowers are capable of creating a romantic and playful environment around you. Lovebirds! 🙂 🙂 <3



These beautiful blue and purple flowers will directly make a way in your soulmate’s heart instead of her nose and throat. 😉 These flowers have very little pollen count and hence is an allergy free flower. There are many colors available so you can choose the colors(purple or blue) according to the preferences of your partner.



This is one of the perfect flowers to describe your love to your partner. She will be indulged in the beauty and fragrance of these flowers and will simply say a yes to you. These fancy blooms will be far better than dozens of red roses. There are certain variations in the flowers like white, blue, salmon, pink, red and many more beautiful colors. Just go and pick these flowers for impressing your sweetheart.



These are flowers that are loved by almost everyone. These soft and yellow flowers are capable of making anyone fall in love with you. These are allergy free flowers and contain very less amount of pollens. While giving these plants to your loved one, you will be creating romance in the air. So spread and express your love with these beautiful and delicate flowers.



If you want to impress your woman or man then orchids are the best option. These flowers are beautiful, non-traditional and exotic as well. These delicate orchids are somehow stood for seduction. You can be more romantic by ordering a bouquet of their favorite color or the dress they are wearing to the party.



If you want to enter into someone’s heart then magnolia is the only thing you should choose. These flowers will surely create a beautiful and romantic environment for you two. You can express your emotions and feelings with a proper floral arrangement of magnolias. You will surely end with some beautiful and long-lasting memories. <3 And yeah! These flowers are completely non-allergic.



The words that can perfectly describe jasmine flowers are amiable, beautiful and graceful. These flowers are one of the best ways to express your feelings to your better half. These flowers signify the importance of your beloved in your life. So this time, express your feelings with jasmine flowers.

There are flowers other than roses which are capable of conveying your feelings, romance, love, and passion for your special one. Rose is an old option so you should make your beloved feel extra special with these allergy-free, special and beautiful flowers.

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