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Bakrid Mubarak

Bakrid Mubarak

It’s that time of the year again when Muslims across the globe would dress up in their finest clothes and come together to celebrate Bakrid. Bakrid or Eid-al-Adha, also known as ‘The Festival of Sacrifice’, is celebrated worldwide. This year, it began on the evening of August 21 and will continue till the evening of August 22. Eid al-Adha marks the final day of ‘Hajj’, which is an annual pilgrimage that all the Muslims are required to undertake to Makkah once in their lifetime. Some Muslims observe this Eid for three days.

Iftar meal
Iftar meal

The story behind the celebration of Bakrid

As for most of the festivals celebrated across the globe, there lies a story behind the celebration of Eid-al-Adha as well. The festival remembers the story of Prophet Abraham when Allah appeared in his dream and asked him to sacrifice his dearest son, Ismail, as an act of obedience to God. Next day, when he woke up in the morning, he took the dream as a message from God and wanted to sacrifice his son. As Abraham was about to kill his son, God sent his angels and asked him to sacrifice an animal instead of his son.


Every year, just before Eid-al-Adha, Muslims purchase animals to sacrifice. The animal is dearly treated, loved and fed till the day of sacrifice. On the day of Eid, Muslims worldwide sacrifice that animal in order to prove their devotion and love for Allah. A feast is prepared thereafter and the meat is then cooked and divided into three parts. One is for the family, friends, and neighbors, the second part is distributed among the poor and the needy and the remaining third part is retained for the immediate family. Also, it is a firm belief that on the day of the Sacrificial Feast, no one shall go hungry to the bed.

On this holy occasion, devotees offer prayers at the mosque after the sunrise. In several households, various delicacies and sweets are prepared to mark the celebration of this day. Some also visit cemeteries and pay respect to the dead.


                         EID MUBARAK!


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