Some Metal Stamping and Forming Basics You Should Know About

Metal Stamping and Forming Basics

Many people are unaware of the concept of metal stamping and forming. The irony is how many items around them have undergone a form of this process. This is especially considering how many industries rely heavily on this process for what they produce.

We are going to shed light on this process because of its importance and relevance in many ways. So, you are strongly advised to keep reading.

About Metal Stamping and Forming

Metal Stamping and Forming

Every metallic item you see around has undergone some modifications. This could be hydroforming, welding, stamping, pressing, or a few other metal-making processes.

Stamping and forming are some of the most used processes in the business of making metal objects and items at large. This is a procedure that has its roots in the activities of blacksmiths.

Since these professionals were (and are still) into the practice of making metallic items, they needed better ways to do this. The practice of stamping and forming was born out of that need. Its emergence dates back to the late 1800s.

It is no coincidence that it happened around this time. This is because the industrial revolution played a huge part in this new and more effective practice of making metal items.

As regards blacksmithing, the practice of metal stamping and forming replaced the manual and less effective methods that depended on manual tools. Some of the tools include anvils, forges, and hammers.

Instead, levels of automation become the order of the day with the aid of stamping dies and other relevant machines for the practice. This is thanks to the industrial revolution. If you are interested in learning more about the changes that this period brought about, you can watch this.

Is Metal Stamping the Same Thing as Metal Forming?

There are slight differences between metal stamping and forming. It is so slight that many people are unaware and use the terms in place of each other. We have even seen articles explaining that they are not different concepts.

Well, you should know right away that there are differences between these metal-making processes. So, what is the difference?

The difference lies in the machine used in making the metal item. As the name suggests, stamping requires the creation of the eventual metallic item using a stamp die. On the other hand, forming (which is also known as pressing) requires the use of a pressing tool.

The truth is that there are similar applications that cut across both methods. So, using both terms interchangeably is quite understandable.

The Importance of Metal Stamping and Forming

Both of these metal-making processes are one of the most used in several industries. So many industries rely on these processes or items made using them. But the question is why it is used by so many industries. Some of the reasons are listed and explained below:


Frankly, many metal-making processes guarantee us well-made items. However, not everyone comes cheap. An example is hydroforming in its various forms.

Hydroforming procedures are highly effective and offer a lot of benefits. However, the cost of machines used for hydroforming is not encouraging for many. Furthermore, it is not also a good option if the production volume is not much.

So, there is a need for options that can do well and still come cheap. Well, stamping and forming are some of the best options in this regard.

This remains the case even when the production volume is not much. This is one of the reasons why many industries turn to it and items made using it.

Cheaper Maintenance

Speaking of cost-effectiveness, it is not only about the cost of the equipment used for the process. You also need to consider other things.

For instance, some metal-making processes require more skilled hands than others. Once again, hydroforming is another example. More people understand the stamping and forming procedure than hydroforming.

As a result, the cost of hiring experts to help out is lower when stamping and forming are used. This is another reason it is the go-to option across many industries. This is also applicable in situations when metal forming or metal stamping services are carried out by specialized service providers.

Furthermore, maintenance is cheaper with it. It is for these reasons that service providers across healthcare, energy, manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, appliance, military, and other sectors rely heavily on these processes.

Less Complicated

Planning and design phases are indeed involved in these processes. However, it is less complicated or complex than several other options. This is why there are more service providers in the business of producing or using items made using these processes.

Techniques Involved in Metal Stamping and Forming

The techniques used for both are one of the ways in which they are similar. So, whether pressing machines or stamp dies are used, here are some techniques that can be employed:


Frankly, this is one of the common techniques used. When used, metals in larger coils or sheets are created by cutting. It is often used when an original sheet metal piece is to be formed or drawn. You should also know that this technique comes before any other if it will be engaged.


We passively discussed drawing when we spoke about blanking above. Well, the actual stamping is what is known as drawing. To perform this technique, force is applied with the help of a punch that forces a selected sheet of metal past the die.


We did explain how blanking comes first when it is engaged. While this is true, some techniques can be carried out alongside. An example is piecing.

Other than this, you should also know that there are special situations when this technique is applicable. This has to do with when holes, slots, or any form of cutouts are involved.

Wrap Up

There are other techniques asides from the ones discussed above. Pinch trimming, forming, lancing, coining and bottoming are some examples.

All of them need to be used only when appropriate. Furthermore, how they are carried out will determine the quality of the end product. This is why a you need to work with a capable service provider.

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