Things you could only relate to if you have an elder sister


Nothing else is more beautiful than a bond between siblings. Agree? And having an elder sister will make it even more special. An elder sister is the best gift anyone can have. She is the one who can bring a smile to your face every time you are sad. Your elder sister will do anything to bring you out of the trouble you are facing in your life. She is another mother you are blessed with. Sister will be there in your best as well as worst time and will cherish you when you will feel blue.

With an elder sister, you can share a relationship in which you can use her stuff, bully her, fight for her bossy behavior, admire her nature and a lot more. You will feel irritated sometimes but these memories will always make you smile when she will be away from you. We bring some of the facts that you can only relate to if you have an elder sister. Just go through these facts and cherish your memories since childhood.

You are always an object of experiment

You have an Elder sister and she has not experimented anything with you. Is it possible? The answer will be a big NO in each case because it is not at all possible. We know you must have tried your best to resist her but she had made you a part of her experiments. No matter whether it was a new hairstyle, anything that she has learned to do, makeup, her one and only object is you.

Fight on everything

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Siblings can be a synonym for trained warriors. No matter whether it is a small fight on pizza piece, chocolate, TV remote there will definitely a fight between siblings. This fight usually starts with words and get to hair pulling, punches, crying and annoying and irritating each other to the fullest.

Teasing you by saying “You are adopted”

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This is the prank that is played between each and every sibling and it is one of the sweetest pranks between siblings. A younger child is always teased by claiming them to be adopted. As a kid, we even believe in such pranks and started crying as well, but all that became a sweet memory for us now.

Career, life, and relationship advisor

things you would relate if you have an elder sister

OMG, this is so true. Your elder sister is always ready to give you advice. No matter whether the topic is dating, clothes, career, or any other life problems, she will always be the best advisor for you. You will find her standing at your side at any moment of your life.

Forever friend

You can have school buddies, college friends or many other friends but your elder sister is your best friend for life and no matter what happens you will never lose this friend of yours. She is most trustworthy and long-life friend you can have.

All-time supporter

Real Fact! Whether you are about to get a scolding from your parents, or you got bad grades in school your elder sister will always support you. She can do many things to irritate you and can say meanest things to you but she will always be a support which no one else can be.

Partner in crime

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Hehehehe! Are you thinking to go something naughty without her involvement? If yes, then involve her to play safer. Because if anything will go wrong she will take the claim and will get all the scolding herself. Also, she is the option through which you can easily get anything approved by your parents.

Elder sisters are really a blessing. An angel in form of human being.

Elder sister is a very special gift and lucky are those who have a sibling and that too an elder sister.  If you too have such experience with your elder sister, do share us in the comment sections.



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