Home Tricity Know more about your City! Private schools in Mohali are closed for three days due to smog.

Private schools in Mohali are closed for three days due to smog.

Private schools in Mohali are closed for three days due to smog.

Nowadays a very common news is about thick smog engulfing the cities. Smog has also taken Tricity in its trap. Within last few days, some or other incident because of smog was a very common news. Every now and then you can hear some new mishappening in cities. For this reason, private schools in Mohalu are closed for three days. This step is taken to prevent any mishappening with school going kids. As Tricity is also enveloped in the blanket of grey smog, Punjab Government has decided to close the schools for some time.

Mohali Schools will be closed for three days

As per the orders from Punjab Government, some of the leading schools have decided to be closed for upcoming three days because of smog. These three days will contain the weekend. This step has been taken by the authorities of school to prevent any kind of mishappening with the school going kids. This is because of increased smog in the city.

Schools which will be closed for upcoming three days

Administration of Yadwindra Public School(YPS, Mohali), Doon International School, St. Soldier International School, Learning Paths School, Shemrock Senior Secondary School and Gian Jyoti Public school had taken this decision to save the lives of students from any accident that can take place due to smog. This is a very appreciable decision taken by the management of these schools. These schools will be closed for upcoming three days and will wait for further orders from Punjab Government.

Orders from Deputy Commissioner

Deputy Commissioner of Mohali, Gurpreet Kaur Sapra, has ordered schools to be closed for upcoming three days due to increased smog in Tricity. This is a strict order and it is supposed to be followed by each and every school of Mohali. It is also ensured that no violation should be done against the order of DC.

As the smog is increasing in Tricity as well, it is advised to take precautions on an individual level as well. Some of the schools that will remain closed for next three days are stated above. Stay safe and prevent yourself from smog.




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