Home In-depth Make the World a Better place—-NGOs in Chandigarh

Make the World a Better place—-NGOs in Chandigarh

Make the World a Better place—-NGOs in Chandigarh
Non-governmental organization Word Cloud Concept

Almost everyone has sympathy for underprivileged people. But have you ever done something for these people? We watch them struggling with lives. Every one of us wants to bring the changes in the world but end up cursing the system and related people. There are certain NGOs in every part of the world who are doing great for these people. The people of NGOs come out and take an action to bring a change in the society. They are working without any kind of selfishness. They are purely working for the upliftment of the society.


Image result for images of AAPSI ngo in chandigarh

AAPSI is one of the Non-Governmental organization which is working on several key issues. Some of the issues with which this NGO is dealing are animal husbandry, Aged/Elderly children. Civic issues, disaster management, drinking water, HIV/AIDS, Legal Awareness, Food Processing, Dalit Upliftment, etc are some other issues this NGO is working on. This NGO got success while working on the issues like organic farming, conflict resolution, peace initiative, etc.

Address: 3231, Sector 49-D, Near Rose Petal Coop HB Society, Chandigarh

Contact No.: 0172-2673931, 0941-7892626

Email: [email protected]


Image result for images of AAss ngo in chandigarh

This NGO is working in different states of India. AASS deals with issues like animal husbandry, care for the elderly, drinking water, literacy, education and many more important issues people are facing in the country. It is one of the most trusted NGO working in many states of India.

Contact No.: 0112- 2221123

Email: [email protected]

Baba Nanak Education Society

Image result for images of Baba Nanak Education Society in chandigarh

Baba Nanak Education Society(BNES) is a charitable organization. This organization was founded under Societies Registration Act. It is mainly working on handling the unemployment in the city. This NGO is providing education to the people and also help people to learn new skills. It also encourages people to rise above the poverty line by earning.

Address: 1501, Sector 36D, Chandigarh

Contact No.: 0172-4027519, 0172- 2600484

Email: [email protected]

Chandigarh Rotary Club Service

Image result for images of Chandigarh Rotary Club Service ngo in chandigarh

The Chandigarh Rotary Club is one of the most notable NGOs of the country. It has been operating for underprivileged people for many years. This NGO has countless people who are working as volunteers. They are working hard for making their lives better and worth living.

Address: Chandigarh Rotary Club Service Trust 107-A, Sector 18A, Chandigarh

Contact No.: 0172-2770222, 0931- 6110939

Email: [email protected]

Child Welfare Council

Image result for images of Child Welfare Council ngo in chandigarh

The Child Welfare Council is another NGO in Chandigarh. This NGO is working on complicated issues like declining sex ratio, problems that are related to children. CWC is also encouraging people to understand their potential and to become a responsible citizen of the country.

Address: Punjab Third Floor, Karuna Sadan, Sector 11B, Chandigarh

Contact No.: 0988-8516131, 0172-2744553, 0172-2748131

Email: [email protected]

Some of the other NGO working in Punjab and Chandigarh are Mari Jagriti Mission, Society for Women Empowerment and Rural Advancement, Nanhe Kadam, Yuvsatta, Youth United, etc. All of these NGOs are working great for the upliftment of the society. If you want to join an NGO, then above given NGO’s will be the best options for you.


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