Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani’s elder son Akash Ambani and diamond magnate Russel Mehta’s daughter Shloka Mehta’s got engaged on Saturday in a hush-hush ceremony in Goa. The do was attended by close family and friends mostly and boasted of no Bollywood presence, quite surprisingly we know. However, the family threw a post engagement bash today in their Mumbai home for the who’s who from the world of cinema and business. The likes of Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif, and Karan Johar were amongst the first ones arriving at the Ambani house to wish the newly engaged couple a happy life ahead.
Let us have a look at the pictures from the post engagement party.
The newly engaged couple – Akash Ambani & Shloka Mehta
Natasha Poonawala with her husband (left); Katrina Kaif in the beautiful pink outfit (right)
Katrina dazzling in the beautiful outfit at the party
The gorgeous Aishwarya Rai with her little princess Aradhya
Aishwarya-Aradhya flaunting their stunning outfits
SRK and Karan Johar posing with the couple
Zaheer Khan with his beautiful wife Sagarika Ghatge
Shahrukh Khan at Akash-Shloka’s post engagement party
John Abraham also spotted at the celebrations
Kiran Rao with Karan Johar
Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani also attended the party with his family
Akash and Shloka are probably going to make the richest couple of the country with a huge empire to their credit. Akash is on the board of Reliance Jio and talking about her betrothed, Shloka is the director of the Rosy Blue Foundation and also the co-founder of ConnectFor.
Interestingly, both Akash & Shloka have done their schooling from Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS). Both the families hail from Gujarat and have close relations since years. In a news published in Bombay Times, Nita Ambani expressed that “Mukesh and I have given very strong foundation to our kids and even larger wings to fly – they have the freedom to make decisions for themselves and of course, choose whom they would want to spend the rest of their lives with. Marrying the one you love is gratifying and heart-warming. I have known Shloka since she was four and we are all delighted to welcome her to our home and our hearts.”