Home Lifestyle Health & Beauty Here Are Some Super Bright Nail Shades To Brighten Up Your Hands & Your Mood Too!

Here Are Some Super Bright Nail Shades To Brighten Up Your Hands & Your Mood Too!

Here Are Some Super Bright Nail Shades To Brighten Up Your Hands & Your Mood Too!

We girls are very particular about our dressup, right? From the clip on our hairs to the heels we wear, from the matching rubber bands to the color of our nail paints is all that matters to us.

Planning to buy some nail paints? Here we have the top picks, for each one of the days of the week.


#1. Key Lime Mondays

key lime nail colournykaa lime nail colour

Monday’s are never going to be good, Trust me! Not even, if you’re doing a dream job. So along with your sips of caffeine, you gotta nullify your blues. What better way to do it with some lively colors.

#2. Sunshine Tuesdays

sunshine nail colour

Honestly, Tuesdays could be as blue, when you’re still not ready but at least one day closer to the weekend. Well, a touch of yellow could help me feel better while typing vigorously on my lappy all day. Yes?

#3. Sky Shot Wednesdays

sky shot nail colour

Now, when you’re at the midweek mark, you can enjoy all those blues without feeling the blue. Also, if you have been daydreaming about the cold waters, you may as well have the beach on your nails.

#4. Lilac Thursdays

Lilac nail colour

okay, So when you are just a day away from Friday, it’s actually time to give your nails a break. This light shade is just the perfect match for this day!

#5. Aubergine Fridays

Aubergine nail colour

Thought, I am going to pick red here, right? Well, what’s the fun in following the same old path! A bright aubergine is what we need to celebrate our peppy Fridays.

#6. Peachy Saturdays

peach nailcolour

Saturdays are joyful. So, let this beautiful bright peach add a little more glitter to your Saturday happiness.


#7. Fuschia Sundays

Fushia nail colour

Pre-Monday is here girls. Where did the week fly? Well, the Fushia is the perfect color to lift my mood and deter me from stressing about the inexorable Monday!

#8. Bonus Top Coat

Bonus Top Coat

Wait! How can I end the list without adding my favorite shiny fast dry top coat? It can totally change the look of your nail paint. Apply this to refresh your gel manicure, add shine to matte nail paint and it is alone by itself enough to add something extra to your nails.

#9. It’s all about Matt(E)

matte colour

Matte is love. It’s worth the rage. So, Invest in this little bottle of miracles and turn any of your nail paint into a matte finish in just seconds.

So, what’s your color combo?

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