Home Lifestyle Health & Beauty Effective Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Effective Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Effective Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Are you or any of your close one is having a Kidney stone? Is he/she is suffering from intense pain? If yes, then we brought you some of the home remedies for kidney stones that will help you in relieving pain and suffering. A kidney stone can vary from a sugar crystal to a ping pong ball in size. It basically causes blockage of urinary tract giving severe pain in abdomen and lower back. Some of the common symptoms of kidney stones are intense pain in lower back and abdomen, burning sensation at the time of urinating, urinary urgency, foul smell of urine, high temperature and shivering, excessive sweating, etc.

Some of the common causes of kidney stones are consuming unhealthy food, overconsumption of alcohol and beverages, more intake of calcium supplements, obesity, uncontrolled blood pressure and many other reasons as well. In addition to medicines, there are some of the home remedies as well which can help in curing kidney stones. Let’s check some of the home remedies which are quite effective in kidney stones.


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One of the best options for getting rid of kidney stone is increasing the fluid intake. People who are suffering from kidney stone should drink 10-12 glasses of water in a day. It will stop the growth of stone and also helps in removing the stone. People with kidney stone should also should keep checking the color of urine which should be light pale yellow.

Lemon Juice

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Increased calcium content in your diet is one of the causes of kidney stone. Lemon Juice helps in dissolving the calcium and stop the accumulation of calcium. People are advised to squeeze a lemon in water after certain hours and drink it as it will help in getting rid of stone. You can also add black salt for more effective and better results.


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Pomegranates are a rich source of antioxidants which helps in preventing the formation of kidney stone and also make their passage easy. There is a compound present in pomegranate which helps in lowering the acidity level of urine. This compound makes the growth of kidney stone tough. Pomegranate juice is very helpful in keeping kidneys healthy.

Basil Juice

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Basil juice is a rich source of acetic acid. This acetic acid helps in breaking down the kidney stone and you will get rid of the horrible pain. It also helps in lowering the uric acid level. This uric level is the thing that is responsible for the formation of stone. You can eat basil leaves or can also use basil leaves in tea.

Apply Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar is rich in citric acid. The citric acid helps in dissolving the kidney stone. It increases stomach acids by diluting acid in blood and urine. Apple cider vinegar also reduces the growth and chances of new stones in the human body. It also helps in getting rid of the pain caused because of kidney stone. For effective results add two tablespoons of this apple cider vinegar in water and drink it after meals.

Organic celery or Celery Juice

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Celery juice flushes out the stone easily and also remove toxins from the kidney. You can simple sip celery with water to stop the growth of kidney stone in the human body. You can also add it to food while cooking meals.

Wheatgrass Juice

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2-8 ounces of wheatgrass juice and kidney stone will be removed. This juice contains essential nutrients. These nutrients cleanse the kidney and also facilitates the better flow of urine so that stone can be passed out.

Kidney Bean Broth

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Kidney beans contain protein, Vitamin B, magnesium and many other nutrients.All these nutrients eliminate kidney stone and all its symptoms.It improves urinary and kidney health as well. You can boil the kidney pods and strain the liquid. After straining the liquid you can consume it for better intake of all the nutrients.


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Watermelon consists a great amount of potassium and water content which helps in reducing the acidity level in urine. You can directly eat watermelon or can also drink watermelon juice. It will help the body to cleanse the kidney and also starts removal of kidney stone.

These remedies also help in curing pain that is caused because of kidney stone. You can add all those things to your daily routine so that you will be free from this horrible pain caused because of kidney stones. If you are aware of another way, then do let us know in the comments section.



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