Peanut is considered as a healthy snack in India. It can be enjoyed with a cup of tea in the evening or at night while sitting and chatting with family members. People who are health freaks prefer to eat boiled or soaked peanuts. It is very helpful in getting rid of hunger. Are you aware of the health benefits of peanuts? We know you are not aware of other facts, so we bring you some of the amazing facts of peanuts. Do you know peanuts have nutrition present that are in almonds or walnuts? Some of the forms in which peanuts can be added to daily diet are oil, flour, butter, etc. So, let’s take a look at all the benefits of peanuts.
Beneficial for heart
Peanuts are capable of controlling the cholesterol level in the human body which in return helps in controlling heart problems. These nuts are a rich source of phenolic antioxidants and Vitamin E. These compounds prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which is caused due to the presence of free radicals in the human body. In addition to this, peanuts are helpful in fighting heart diseases, maintaining blood pressure and also helps in regulating heartbeats.
Rich source of energy
Peanuts are a rich source of protein, vitamins, antioxidants minerals and several other essential nutrients. One of the biggest advantages of eating peanuts is the amount of energy they provide to the human body. These are a great source of energy and should be added to the daily diet in winters.
Lower down the cholesterol
Peanuts help in lowering the LDL cholesterol in the human body and also helps in increasing the good HDL cholesterol. Also, peanuts help in decreasing the risk of developing coronary diseases because of the presence of monounsaturated fatty acids.
Helpful in bodybuilding
For the people who went to the gym for exercises, it is mandatory to follow a balanced diet in order to gain perfect muscles. Peanut is one of the best supplements for the people who are involved in bodybuilding. These nuts are a very good source of protein, dietary fibers and some of the other essential minerals. And also, peanuts are one of the best items for bone growth and development because of the presence of calcium.
Good for cancer patients
Peanuts are very beneficial for many types of cancer especially stomach and colon cancer. These nuts are a rich source of p-Coumaric acid and polyphenolic antioxidants. These compounds help in reducing the risk of developing cancer in our body and also helps in reducing the production of carcinogenic nitrous-amines.
Beneficial for diabetic people
Peanut is considered to be one of the healthy snacks for diabetic peoples because of the presence of low glycemic index which is responsible for spiking down the blood sugar level in the human body. Also, peanuts are a rich source of manganese which helps in absorption of minerals and regulation of blood sugar level in the human body.
Helps in weight loss
It lowers the intake of food and it helps in controlling the overall calorie intake during weight loss. If you are adding peanuts to your diet with an aim of losing the weight then add unsalted peanuts instead of salted peanuts.
Helpful for people suffering from depression
Peanuts are the nuts that contain Tryptophan which helps in increasing the Serotonin level. The deficiency of this compound in the human body leads to depression. Peanuts are responsible for maintaining these levels in the human body thus preventing the risks of depression.
Good for kidney
Peanuts contain Resveratrol which helps in decreasing the chances of Chronic Kidney Diseases(CKD) in the human body. This compound is known for the anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties which protect the body from kidney diseases.
Beneficial for brain
Peanut is a food that helps in nourishing the nervous system and the brain. These nuts contain an abundant amount of folate which helps in preventing the age-related cognitive decline and some of the brain disorders. Peanuts are also effective for good memory.
Peanuts are good for children
The peanuts add an extra level of nutrition to the food of the children. Peanuts are a rich source of carbohydrates, dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals, proteins and some other important minerals and compounds. All these things are helpful in the development of children. But a very fixed amount of peanuts should be given to kids as it can be harmful if consumed more than a fixed amount.
Peanuts are good for men
Peanuts are very good for increasing fertility in men. It improves the sperm quality in mobility, vitality as well as morphology. This is because of the presence of zinc in peanuts.
Peanuts are good for pregnancy
Doctors advise pregnant women to add peanuts to their daily diet. These nuts are a rich source of folic acid and thus it is important for pregnant women. Peanuts help in the development of the brain of the fetus and also helps in lowering the birth defects like neural tube defect.
Benefits of peanuts for skin
Peanuts are very beneficial for your skin as well. It helps in cleansing your skin. They contain compounds like monounsaturated fats and resveratrol which are responsible for removing extra toxins from the body. There are antioxidants present in peanuts which are helpful in delaying some of the signs of wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, discoloration and many such things. Consumption of peanuts improves the flow of blood in the vessels providing you a healthier and younger skin. They are a rich source of folic acid, vitamin E, magnesium and zinc which helps in treating skin disorders. Some of the diseases that can be treated with peanuts are eczema and psoriasis.
Your skin will remain hydrated and moisturized if you will consume peanuts as they are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. They are a rich source of Vitamin E and thus protect the skin from sun rays and also helps in fighting against any kind of skin damage and sunburn. Consumption of peanuts also helps in healing wounds faster because of the presence of beta-carotene. A facial mask can also be prepared from peanuts which will surely remove dirt and impurities from the skin.
Benefits of peanuts for hairs
Peanuts are beneficial for hairs as well. It contains biotin which is responsible for better hair growth. Peanuts also contain folate which prevents hair loss. It also prevents the stage of baldness. Peanuts are a rich source of vitamin E which helps in saying Bye-Bye to brittle hairs.
These are some of the amazing benefits you can take from peanuts. So, we advised you to add peanuts to your daily diet. But the number of peanuts consumed should be taken care of.